11 Essential UI Design 面试问题 *

最好的UI设计师可以回答的基本问题. 在我们社区的推动下,我们鼓励专家提交问题并提供反馈.

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What UX information you need to have before you start designing?


每个专业的UI设计师都应该尽可能多地了解团队打算创造的用户体验(UX)和用户旅程. This UX experience is usually planned out based on gathered data, including user surveying, 可用性测试, 等等.......

So, UI设计人员在开始之前需要的基本信息将围绕最终用户需求和一些业务目标. 在开始项目工作之前,了解设计师认为必要的UX信息背后的原因也是明智的.


How do you estimate the timeline of your own design process?


这个问题应该揭示设计师如何有效地处理截止日期和项目时间表. 应征者应该能够告诉你在他或她的设计生涯中遇到的评估工具和技术. Ask c和idates if they create their own estimated timelines, milestones 和 deadlines, or if they were provided by another team member.

更重要的是要了解设计师是否能够满足这些既定的时间表, milestones 和 deadlines, or if they negatively affect the creative process. Some estimation techniques are Function Point Analysis, Use Case Template 和 Relative Mass Valuation.


Can you describe your ideal work day as a UI designer?


By answering this question, 设计师应该揭示他或她对流程的偏好, 订单和设置. 你应该能够发现应聘者的团队合作精神, 和 how much does s/he expect from other team members: 开发人员, 用户体验设计师, 和 Information Architects.

优秀的UI设计师应该提到与UX设计师就原型或线框图的变化进行沟通的重要性. 另一个好的迹象是,如果设计师在设计每个元素时提到要牢记最终用户的目标, as well as how s/he is aware of any technical limitations.

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What are your core areas of UI design expertise?


Any UI designer who has worked long enough on various, 独特的项目, will have developed areas of expertise, 或者至少, 首选项.

设计师的答案应该围绕首选的客户类型或特定类型的平台:设计网站, 移动应用程序, 后端仪表板, 例如. Professional UI 设计师 would also cover the journey itself, 描述他们如何获得这些领域的专业知识和经验.


Can you describe an app with the worst ever user interface?


This is a kind of reverse psychology question. 你不妨直接问:“你认为一个优秀的用户界面是什么样的?“但诀窍是不要把问题弄得太明显,这样潜在设计师就不会给出一个笼统的答案.

By describing elements of the worst ever user interface, 设计师说明了他或她对按钮等东西的设计价值, 输入框, 标签, 登录屏幕, 还有形状, 大小, positioning 和 colors of these elements. 专业的UI设计师应该详细解释为什么某个界面无法取悦最终用户.


How would you redesign a well known user interface?


This question should clarify how a designer thinks as the end-user. 首先, the designer has to identify the elements to be redesigned (colors, 形状, 大小, 放置, 例如), 随后 原因, not choices, explaining why these elements require a redesign.

最后, 这个问题最重要的部分应该揭示设计师想要应用于用户界面的改变. 再一次。, backed up by 原因 rather than choices, 设计师需要解释为什么提议的更改看起来更好,以及这些更改如何更好地促进用户体验.




许多设计专家继续争论直觉驱动的用户界面是否是一个神话. 那些倡导者说,了解到最终用户将您的用户界面描述为“直观”是您将得到的最高赞扬.

对于任何UI设计师来说,这都是一个发人深省的问题,它可以让你发现设计师是否也认为这是一个神话. 更重要的是, if the designer does not believe it is a myth, 她或他认为最直观的用户界面是什么?


What are your thoughts about Google’s material design?


Google将材料设计作为一种视觉语言,将优秀设计的经典原则与技术和科学的创新和可能性相结合. This is a more specific than generic question, which should also be answered by a more specific answer.

专业的UI设计师时刻关注着最新的用户界面更新和标准, will know a lot about material design: it’s principles, 属性, 环境, 目标, 诸如此类. 听到设计师自己的想法应该表明,候选人不只是跟随最新的趋势,因为它是时髦的.


为什么 do you think 草图 has gained such popularity around UI?


而就在几年前,Photoshop是每个设计师的首选, today things have changed. 大多数专业的UI设计师更喜欢使用草图来设计界面, which was developed specifically for user interface creation, 但不是商标, 插图, or anything else graphics-related.

仍然, 听到为什么UI设计师认为草图在这么短的时间内获得了如此多的欢迎是有益的. 草图以百分之百的矢量支持而闻名, code-friendly设计, robust export features, customizable grid systems, 等等.......


Can you tell me about a time you used UI microinteractions?


在理想的情况下, 这个问题应该通过一个项目来回答,在这个项目中,设计师使用UI微交互来增强“外观和感觉”的“感觉”部分。.

专业的UI设计师明白,一个设计可以有漂亮的功能和元素, but if there is not enough attention to detail, the end-user might be put off. 因此,使用UI微交互是处理这些小细节的好方法.


What is “scraping” in UiPath?



There is more to interviewing than tricky technical questions, so these are intended merely as a guide. 并不是每一个值得雇佣的“A”候选人都能回答所有的问题, nor does answering them all guarantee an “A” c和idate. At the end of the day, hiring remains an art, a science — 和 a lot of work.


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For more than 15 years, Katie has worked in large design teams, 作为一名独立设计师, 和, 最近, 对于创业公司来说. She specializes in user experience, 响应式网页设计, 应用程序设计, 品牌, 和 development (HTML/CSS). Her designs are eminently engaging, 她培养一致性,以确保设计从概念到实施的完整性. As a former startup founder, 凯蒂擅长高速工作和合作迭代设计.




With years of experience in design 和 advertising, Steve is an art director 和 designer at Rethink, the world's second-largest independent advertising agency. He freelances for companies worldwide as a 品牌, 视觉, 和 UI/UX designer for clients of all 大小. 史蒂夫曾有幸为DDB等其他广告公司工作, 全球部落, 大创意, buller危险, 和更多的. 他与客户沟通非常好,并在各种规模的团队中工作过.




Jen is a UX designer with 13+ years of experience, 其中六次是作为一家拥有30人的数字设计公司的共同所有人和创意总监. 她的30多个ADDY奖项反映了她对卓越的坚定承诺. 是任何团队的资产, Jen delivers user-centered solutions, leveraging her expertise in research, 原型设计, 和可用性. Her captivating designs consistently surpass business objectives, making her the ideal choice for companies seeking a dynamic, results-driven professional.


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