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Alex Hudym

Alex Hudym


Alex是WeLoveNoCode的前COO, a development services company with a global network of more than 58,000 no-code experts that was acquired by Toptal in 2023. Alex has in-depth experience building products using multiple no-code platforms, including Bubble, Webflow, Airtable, and Zapier.



也许你在想 建立创业公司, or extending your company’s existing digital offerings. 很可能你有 idea for a product or service, but perhaps you’re not sure if people would use it. Maybe limited resources or a lack of technical skills is holding you back. As the former COO of a startup, I know all about these challenges.

Building a no-code minimum viable product (MVP) can help you overcome them. An MVP is a product version with just enough features to be usable by early customers, who can provide feedback for further product development, enabling you to validate an idea before scaling it up. 这是一种快速创建产品版本的方法,以便了解它是否适合你的产品 target market—but even MVPs require skilled engineers and months of development time. 或者至少过去是这样.

无代码是一种拖放式软件开发方法,允许创始人或小团队构建应用程序, websites, databases, and other tools without traditional coding or programming skills. 一个新想法或产品的原型是组织使用无代码工具的最常见原因, 根据Formstack的说法 2021年无代码经济调查. 当被问及为什么他们选择使用无代码工具时, 71% cited greater speed or ease—key factors for startups launching a new product.


Why Build an MVP?

Any MVP 应该快速创建和使用 minimal investment and functionality, focusing only on the must-have features. 这可以让你检验它背后的假设, 之后,您可以根据结果更改概念甚至完全停用它. Remember, this approach is about testing for relevance and viability, 没有发布一个完全实现的产品.

在用MVP测试你的核心假设之后, you should have the answers to these fundamental questions:

  • 人们需要这项服务吗?
  • 人们需要这个价值主张吗?
  • 人们需要这种设计和功能吗?
  • 有多少人会使用这个产品?

MVP可以节省时间和金钱,并在开发过程中促进更大的优化, 但重要的是要记住,这并不是解决所有产品开发问题的答案. With an MVP, 选择核心功能可能很困难, 而且该产品的范围可能太小,无法把握其真正的盈利潜力. Additionally, 由于缺乏早期采用者和最初假设的缺陷,结果可能会受到影响. 使用无代码方法会有所帮助 减轻这些风险 by further reducing development costs and reducing time to market.


无代码开发平台允许 技术专长有限的个人 to create prototypes using drag-and-drop functionalities. 这允许更快和更灵活 hypothesis testing than typical software development and a greatly reduced cost.

There are, however, limitations to the no-code approach:

  • Customization: 无代码平台通常提供限制自定义级别的模板和模块, 因此,您可能会发现在无代码平台的约束下实现独特或复杂的需求具有挑战性.
  • Scalability: While no-code tools excel at building prototypes and MVPs, 扩展大型应用程序或适应显著的增长可能是一个挑战. 随着项目的扩展, 您可能会遇到性能限制, integrations, and traffic volume.
  • Control: 无代码开发的本质意味着您对应用程序的细粒度细节的控制有限.

如果这些因素对你的产品很重要,但你没有必要的技术专长来建立一个传统的MVP, 考虑将构建外包.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Building and Evaluating a No-code MVP

创建新产品 总是充满风险吗, 但是预测挑战和了解陷阱可以帮助你在问题出现时更有效地处理问题. These are the most commonly encountered issues to watch out for:

  • 过度依赖第三方集成: 无代码平台通常提供与流行服务的集成,这可能是有益的. 过于依赖第三方集成, however, 如果这些集成发生变化或不可用,会使你的MVP容易受到干扰. 评估集成的重要性和稳定性,并制定计划以防任何依赖关系受到影响,这一点非常重要.
  • Overcomplication: 请记住,无代码MVP的目的是用最少的努力和资源来验证你的想法. 专注于核心价值主张, avoid overloading your MVP with unnecessary or fancy features, and don’t waste time figuring out how to fix functionality that isn’t needed.

As with any MVP build, no-code or not, don’t strive for perfection. Building an MVP does not mean building a complete, ready-made solution. It means building a workable solution with a limited feature set. 另一个重要的考虑是偏见:在评估客户反馈时保持客观. Don’t just look for opinions that confirm the product’s effectiveness, 但也要考虑到批评的反馈.


而无代码工具使创建MVP更容易, 构建本身并不是唯一的考虑因素——通过传统开发方法构建MVP所涉及的许多步骤仍然适用. Follow these guidelines to maximize the success of your no-code MVP:

  1. 了解目标受众: 你需要确切地知道 你为谁开发产品, their needs and preferences, and what problems you are solving.
  2. 进行全面的竞争分析; 什么样的解决方案已经存在于市场上? 你们的主要竞争对手是谁? 你能比他们做得更好的是什么? Review other products and make a list of their key features.
  3. 识别并确定功能的优先级: 选择哪些特性将为您的客户提供最大的价值,以及对您的产品核心价值至关重要的功能. Creating a simple user flow 能帮助你确定哪些特征是最重要的,以准确地测试你的假设.
  4. 制定产品路线图: 你的MVP可能只是初始的一部分 product roadmap, but it’s critical to keep your product vision in mind. Outline the MVP vision, the tasks needed to achieve the MVP, and the end goals.
  5. 确定关键的成功标准: How will you know that your MVP is achieving what you want it to? Creating benchmarks for success is critical in evaluating its performance. 关键指标可以包括下载量, number of users, engagement rates, 净推荐值. 您还应该确定您需要的反馈,以便继续前进并构建一个成熟的应用程序.

将上述战略步骤与无代码方法相结合,以实现快速、有效的构建和发布. Here are some valuable tools and platforms to get you started:

Google Sheets

Google Sheets是存储MVP数据库的理想选择. 作为一款免费工具,它可能对资金有限的初创公司特别有用.

  • 易于数据组织和管理
  • 与Zapier很好地集成
  • 在处理大型数据集时效率较低


Airtable 提供更复杂的数据库工具, allowing you to build efficient workflows and automated processes.

  • Integrates with Zapier, Google Sheets, Typeform, WordPress, and other apps
  • Has a variety of startup templates and automation functionalities
  • 复杂的用户界面
  • Not highly scalable or suitable for complex workflows


Bubble 是唯一的全栈吗, 无代码开发平台可用, and it can be used to build a range of high-quality web applications, 包括SaaS工具, marketplaces, 企业管理软件. 它的每月启动订阅是构建、测试和发布MVP的理想选择.

  • Wide range of built-in features and plugins that provide robust functionality
  • 设计用于处理可扩展的web应用程序
  • 支持响应式设计, 允许您创建适应不同屏幕尺寸和设备的web应用程序
  • Does not have a native app export feature for Android and iOS


Zapier is a tool that simplifies API integrations and automates workflows.

  • 提供大量的集成库
  • Automates routine tasks, data transfers, and notifications
  • Offers diverse possibilities for automation and scalability
  • 高度具体的工作流可能需要对其特性和功能有深入的了解
  • Limited customization options within each integration
  • Data transfers between different applications may not be fully secure


Webflow是一个相当便宜的、无代码的平台,有一系列的月度订阅选项. You can use it to develop responsive, SEO-friendly websites quickly.

  • Visual editing software that automatically generates clean code
  • 与Zapier和Shopify集成
  • 可定制性不高
  • 要求熟练掌握网页设计原理



  • 强大的数据分析功能
  • 与Asana、Google Sheets、Adobe Commerce、WooCommerce和Shopify等流行工具集成
  • 当您的MVP扩展或需要更频繁的数据导入时,使用耦合器的成本.io may increase

在无代码产品生命周期的各个阶段,可以使用更多的数字工具, such as Miro, Figma, MailChimp, and InVision. Many of these tools are expanding their offerings with AI, and as their capabilities grow so does the potential 无代码开发.


商业领袖、企业家、代理机构、产品经理,甚至开发人员都是如此 越来越多地认识到价值 无代码开发. By allowing product ideas to be quickly realized and tested without sacrificing quality, 无代码开发工具对于希望构建和发布MVP的初创公司来说是理想的选择.

记住,无代码开发的目的是保持精益——你要评估你的想法的可行性, 不是为了推出完美的产品. By using the tools listed above and following the guidelines, 你可以得到准确的, valuable customer feedback faster and with less financial burden.


  • MVP需要编码吗?

    有许多无代码工具和平台可供选择, a minimum viable product (MVP) does not necessarily have to be built using code. 现在,不需要一行代码,就可以以最小的成本快速构建高质量的MVP.

  • 没有代码的MVP是什么?

    无代码MVP是使用不需要编码技能的开发方法创建的产品的初始版本. 这种方法越来越受欢迎,因为它提供了更快的上市时间,需要更少的金融投资, while still allowing businesses to test the validity of their ideas.

  • 如何在不编写代码的情况下构建MVP?

    在没有编码的情况下构建MVP, use a visual editing solution that employs drag-and-drop functionality. It is important, however, 不要忽视传统开发方法的过程,比如客户研究, 竞争分析, prioritization, 产品路线图创建, 以及成功标准识别.

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