Ben Quinlan, Developer in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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Ben Quinlan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Toptal Member Since
November 1, 2021

Ben是一名解决方案架构师和全栈开发人员,拥有超过十年的创建健壮web的经验, mobile, 以及为从小型企业到大型企业的客户提供不同规模和复杂程度的桌面解决方案. Ben takes pride in building high-quality and performant applications on the .NET栈不仅满足了客户提出的要求,而且超出了客户的期望.


C#, Microsoft SQL Server, IIS, Azure, Waterfall Development, Kentico, Umbraco...
The International Arts and Culture Group
Neo4j, Azure, Visual Studio, C#, JavaScript, Azure DevOps...
Flight Centre (via Dialog Information Technology)
Agile Software Development, ASP.NET, Selenium, C#, JavaScript, SQL...




Preferred Environment

Windows, Azure DevOps, Visual Studio, Azure, .NET Core, .NET, C#.NET

The most amazing...

...project I've built included architecture, development, 并交付了一个复杂的捐赠管理系统,在那里我管理着一个设计师和开发团队.

Work Experience

Solution Architect and Senior Application Developer

2014 - PRESENT
  • 与客户一起分析需求,为新解决方案创建带有线框图的规范文档.
  • 为从小型企业到大公司的客户开发定制的web应用程序.
  • Managed a team of application developers, 包括监督工作质量,组织正式和临时培训.
  • Set up and configured hosting environments including Azure, AWS, Windows Server, and shared hosting environments.
  • 根据客户的要求,为遗留应用程序和技术提供持续的支持.
  • Developed iOS and Android applications using the Xamarin framework.
Technologies: C#, Microsoft SQL Server, IIS, Azure, Waterfall Development, Kentico, Umbraco, Windows Server, SSL Certificates, Assembla, Jenkins, Octopus Deploy, Xamarin, .NET Core, Vue, JavaScript, SQL, Azure DevOps, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Agile Software Development, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core MVC, Subversion (SVN), Source Control Management, Waterfall Methodology, Test-driven Development (TDD), Parallel Programming, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Git, SendGrid, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Azure SQL, Azure Blob Storage API, Azure WebJobs, Azure Websites, Hangfire, EF6 Code First, Entity Framework Core, Less, Dynamic Load Balancing, Redis Cache, Solution Architecture, Windows, Microservices, .NET, ASP.. NET Web Forms, Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Studio, Load Testing, Entity Framework, c#.NET, Mobile, Android, iOS, SQL Server 2014, Windows Services, Content Management Systems (CMS), Full-stack, Headless CMS, MVC Design, APIs, REST APIs, Excel 365

Senior Full-stack Developer

2016 - 2018
The International Arts and Culture Group
  • 与客户一起设计复杂的数据库结构,以支持其社交平台所需的需求.
  • 开始开发一个平台,让艺术家可以展示他们的作品,并与全球其他艺术家联系.
  • Designed and provisioned Azure services for hosting.
Technologies: Neo4j, Azure, Visual Studio, C#, JavaScript, Azure DevOps, Agile Software Development, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Source Control Management, Parallel Programming, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Git, Solution Architecture, Windows Server, SSL Certificates, Microservices, .NET, Entity Framework, C#.NET, SQL Server 2014, Windows Services, Content Management Systems (CMS), Full-stack, MVC Design, APIs, REST APIs, Excel 365

Application Developer

2013 - 2014
Flight Centre (via Dialog Information Technology)
  • 与一个小型开发团队合作,对全球差旅管理系统进行增强.
  • 为全球公司使用的全球旅行管理系统设置自动化用户界面测试.
  • Worked with the client to configure automated deployment pipelines.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, ASP.NET, Selenium, C#, JavaScript, SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Subversion (SVN), Source Control Management, Test-driven Development (TDD), jQuery, HTML, CSS, Windows, IIS, .NET, Visual Studio, ASP.. NET MVC,并行编程,Windows Server, SSL证书,实体框架,c#.NET, SQL Server 2014, Full-stack, MVC Design, APIs, REST APIs

Application Developer

2011 - 2013
Queensland Health (via Dialog Information Technology)
  • Operated as a consultant working with large corporate and government clients, including Queensland Health and Flight Centre.
  • 创建了一个基于网络的社区医疗保健系统,供该领域的卫生专业人员使用,以安排和跟踪客户约定.
  • 建立了一个病人仪表板系统,显示在每个病房的大屏幕上,以指示病人在那里的状态.
  • 开发医院报告指示板,供医院管理人员使用,以处理患者流程并提供以前不可用的医院状态概述.
  • Analyzed legacy systems and managed the migration and restructuring of data.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, Visual Studio, C#, JavaScript, SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Source Control Management, Parallel Programming, jQuery, HTML, CSS, Windows Server, SSL Certificates, .NET, Entity Framework, C#.. NET, SQL Server 2014, Windows服务,全栈,MVC设计,api, REST api

GIVIT — Nationwide Donation Management Platform

For this project, 我作为解决方案架构师和首席开发人员与GIVIT一起工作,重新评估他们在当前平台中使用的现有流程,并定义将成为其业务核心的新解决方案. In this role, I was required to determine the scope of work, create and estimate tickets and work items, operate as a senior developer within the team, and oversee other developers, ensuring the quality of the final product.

The final product produced included:
• New public website where donors could see required items from over 4,并承诺捐赠物品或进行财务捐赠.

To support the large user loads expected during natural disasters, we decided to host the platform in Azure with support for auto-scaling.

Racing Queensland
Racing Queensland is the governing body for thoroughbred, harness, and greyhound racing within the state of Queensland.

我首先继承了昆士兰赛马网站,完全重新设计和重组他们的网站和内容. 要求是完全重建网站使用Kentico CMS作为解决方案的基础. During this rebuild process, I operated as a team lead, 在参与开发的同时管理任务并检查工作质量.

Although my contribution to the initial project rebuild was of a lead developer, 我的角色扩展为解决方案架构师:然后,随着项目进行额外的重新设计和添加新功能,我与客户一起工作.

There were several challenges that I faced on this project, including:

Brisbane Zero
“布里斯班零”是由Zeroseven与Micah Projects和布里斯班结束无家可归联盟合作开发的一个网站,它提供实时数据,追踪露宿者,并将他们与他们需要的家庭晚餐和服务联系起来.

For this project, Zeroseven的员工直接与Micah项目团队的成员在黑客马拉松式的环境中工作了超过48小时. Given the scope of the website, Umbraco CMS是平台的明显选择,因为它允许快速开发,同时仍然是一个功能齐全的CMS.

I worked as a lead developer for this project, overseeing the back-end developers, managing tasks, 并协助解决问题,这样团队面临的问题就会少一些,可以继续编写代码.
2009 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

Queensland University of Technology - Brisbane, QLD, Australia


Umbraco Certified Professional



Kentico Certified Developer



Microsoft Certified Professional



jQuery, REST APIs, Vue, Azure Blob Storage API, Entity Framework


Visual Studio, Subversion (SVN), Kentico, SendGrid, Git, SendinBlue, Hangfire, Assembla, Jenkins


.NET Core, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Core MVC, .NET, ASP.NET Web Forms, Entity Framework Core, Selenium, Blazor


C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, C#.NET, SQL, Less, Java, Active Server Pages (ASP)


Waterfall Development, Microservices, MVC Design, Azure DevOps, Agile Software Development, Test-driven Development (TDD), Parallel Programming, Load Testing


Umbraco, Windows, Azure, Xamarin, NopCommerce, Windows Server, Mobile, Android, iOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Azure网站,Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL, Redis Cache, SQL Server 2014, Neo4j


Source Control Management, Waterfall Methodology, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Azure WebJobs, Solution Architecture, IIS, Content Management Systems (CMS), Full-stack, APIs, EF6 Code First, Dynamic Load Balancing, SSL Certificates, Octopus Deploy, Windows Services, Headless CMS, Excel 365

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