Haleeq Usman, Developer in New York, NY, United States
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Haleeq Usman

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

New York, NY, United States
Toptal Member Since
July 26, 2022

Haleeq是计算机科学领域的领导者,在领导政府机构(如纽约市立大学研究基金会)的工程团队方面拥有多年的经验, top tech private companies, and corporations like Adobe. He is fluent in formal language theory, enabling him to effectively ship programs, apps, and services in any programming language. Haleeq has several years of experience architecting and building enterprise apps, services, and design patterns.


Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Business, HTML...
Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Amazon Web Services (AWS)...
Hearst Magazines | Hearst Digital Media
Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Apache...




Preferred Environment

MacOS, Linux, Windows, Docker, Docker Compose, Amazon Web Services (AWS), IDEA IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, Redux, Next.js, Linux Kernel

The most amazing...


Work Experience

Tech Lead | Senior Full-stack Developer

2022 - PRESENT
  • Created a HIPAA-compliant medical application—enabling researchers, doctors, clinics, and patients to participate in multi-party video conferencing, phone calls, and SMS/MMS communication.
  • Managed all application functions, including user management, calendar, assessments, and research systems to serve doctors, patients, clinicians, and researchers.
  • Utilized React, GraphQL, and TypeORM for object-relational mapping, 除了集成第三方供应商应用程序以支持数据收集之外, phone calls, and notifications.
  • 使用Cypress、Jest和Storybook进行自动化测试并改进界面.
  • Deployed the application through Azure Clouy using App Service plan, Blob storage, Azure database, Redis cache, and other cloud resources.
  • Led a team of four engineers, a designer (UI/UX), and a product manager, 除了与第三方供应商和工程师协调记录规格外, debug issues, and deploy the platform.
  • 为Fitbit与可穿戴设备的患者数据的第三方集成编写需求并实施架构设计.
  • 收集需求并实现与Vonage通信api的第三方集成的体系结构设计, including voice for phone calls and voicemails, video with multi-party support, and SMS/MMS text messaging.
  • 使用SendGrid和SMTP实现了电子邮件集成,并实现了一个日历小部件来管理研究人员之间的会议和事件, doctors, patients, and clinicians.
  • 使用Vonage AI Studio创建Vonage通信代理,并创建复杂的仪表板,向研究人员报告患者和研究数据, doctors, and clinicians using charts. Recharts was used to render the charts and trends on the dashboards.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Business, HTML, Responsive Web Apps, MySQL, SQL, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, Microsoft Office, JavaScript, Mongoose, IntelliJ IDEA, NPM, Full-stack Development, IDEA IDE, Linux, MacOS, CSS, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo, Express.js, Next.js, Startups, Front-end, UI Components, REST, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, REST APIs, Node.js, Video Players, Architecture, DevOps, Scripting, Data Structures, Algorithms

Tech Lead | Senior Computer Scientist

2015 - 2022
  • Acted as a tech lead of an engineering team of more than ten engineers. Introduced best practices and the technical direction for our organization.
  • Made significant contributions to our apps/services' performance, 包括在我们的Monorepos中开发内联热重载,优化我们的应用程序的速度指数和其他核心web重要功能. XDebug and Google Chrome Dev tools were used for debugging.
  • Used Node.js and PHP to build several apps and microservices, including a contributor website, an A/B testing framework for product managers, feature flagging microservices, and data-driven eCommerce landing pages.
  • Utilized PHP 7.x来构建A/B测试微服务,并使用Composer创建了JavaScript(后端和前端)库和PHP库. The libraries were delivered via a custom Artifactory repository.
  • 参加了几个工作组,包括GraphQL和WebPlatform组. 工作组的主要职责是确定软件开发生命周期(SDLC)中的痛点,并头脑风暴可伸缩的解决方案.
  • Acted as a code review gatekeeper to ensure quality and secured code. 我是几个关键代码库的代码所有者,并使用来自Jenkins和其他CI平台的WebHooks开发了许多与GitHub的集成.
  • Produced a few requests for change (RFC) to improve our architecture and workflows. This included a generic Linter delta checker/runner, 哪一个改进了我们代码的构建时间和我们向客户部署版本的速度.
  • Created the first React/Node.为我们组织内的贡献者网站/应用程序提供Js应用程序/服务,并分享知识, technologies, and best practices discovered along the way. This included React, Node.js, Redux, Redux-Saga, and more.
  • Utilized Amazon DynamoDB, S3, EC2, ECS, EKS, IAM roles, Route53, RDS (MySQL and PostgreSQL engines), Aurora, Amazon CloudFront, and AWS SDK to build and deploy several microservices and web apps.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon DynamoDB, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Databases, Docker, Fastly, Full-stack Development, Docker Compose, GitHub, GNU Make, IDEA IDE, ITerm, JavaScript, Kubernetes, Leadership, Business, HTML, APIs, Full-stack, Responsive Web Apps, MySQL, SQL, Shell Commands, Terminal, Microsoft Office, NGINX, PHP, IntelliJ IDEA, React, NPM, Terraform, Linux, MacOS, CSS, Redux, GraphQL, Apollo, Express.js, Startups, Front-end, UI Components, REST, AWS Lambda, Serverless, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, REST APIs, Node.js, Video Players, Architecture, DevOps, AWS CloudFormation, Amazon Aurora, C++, Scripting, Toolchains, Machine Learning, Data Structures, Algorithms, Data Architecture

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2015 - 2015
Hearst Magazines | Hearst Digital Media
  • 参与使用PHP和Laravel开发前端渲染引擎和后端媒体平台编辑界面. Utilized PHPUnit and Jasmine for automation testing and Backbone.js for the front end.
  • 通过测试驱动开发(TDD),在Python和Django中领导了联合微服务的开发。. The service maintained 100 percent unit test coverage with a scalable architecture.
  • 参与用Go语言编写的通用Elasticsearch微服务的开发. 该应用程序是为高并发性和垂直和水平扩展而编写的. TDD was utilized, and 100 percent unit test coverage was maintained.
  • Headed the development of an Elasticsearch dashboard utilizing Backbone.js and Marionette.js and TDD using Karma, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.JS.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Apache, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Databases, Docker, Docker Compose, GitHub, Business, IDEA IDE, IntelliJ IDEA, HTML, APIs, Full-stack, Responsive Web Apps, LAMP, MySQL, SQL, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, NGINX, PHP, JavaScript, NPM, GNU Make, Full-stack Development, Linux, MacOS, CSS, Express.js, Startups, Front-end, Django, Flask, UI Components, REST, Front-end Development, HTML5, REST APIs, Node.js,视频播放器,脚本,工具链,数据结构,算法,数据架构

Senior Full-stack Engineer

2014 - 2015
  • Introduced front-end unit testing into a complex AMD Backbone.js/Marionette.js application using Karma test runner, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.JS.
  • 参与开发一个白标应用程序,并与Python和Django合作开发api.
  • Developed a tutor conferencing application with third-party integration.
  • 利用TDD和配对编程来开发几个特性并重构遗留代码.
Technologies: Python, MongoDB, Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Content Delivery Networks (CDN), HTML, APIs, Full-stack, Responsive Web Apps, CentOS, WebRTC, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, NGINX, JavaScript, Mongoose, IntelliJ IDEA, GitHub, NPM, Travis CI, Full-stack Development, IDEA IDE, Linux, MacOS, CSS, TypeScript, Express.js, Startups, Front-end, Django, Flask, UI Components, REST, Front-end Development, HTML5, REST APIs, Node.js, Video Players, Streaming, Scripting, Toolchains, Machine Learning

PHP Lead Developer

2013 - 2014
  • 构建了一个开源软件栈来取代遗留的专有web框架. 软件栈包括后端的Codeigniter和一些Zend组件,以及前端的AngularJS.
  • Introduced software unit and automation testing with PHPUnit.
  • Mentored other developers and helped them with writing unit test cases. Introduced model-view-controller (MVC), AngularJS, and integrated a job scheduler system with company software.
  • 管理构建和部署过程,并为其他开发人员记录软件开发生命周期(SDLC)指南.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, Agile Software Testing, Business, Apache, Databases, AngularJS, HTML, Full-stack, CentOS, LAMP, MySQL, SQL, Leadership, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, Microsoft Office, PHP, JavaScript, IntelliJ IDEA, Angular, NPM, Full-stack Development, IDEA IDE, Windows, Linux, MacOS, CSS, Front-end, UI Components, REST, Front-end Development, REST APIs, Scripting

Technical Lead Developer

2011 - 2013
Research Foundation of CUNY | Hunter College
  • 重构并迁移了Zend下的遗留课程管理系统到Codeigniter/Zend混合框架,并利用LAMP从头开始领导了一个新的课程管理网站的开发.
  • 领导了一个新的虚拟教室的开发,该教室支持交互式共享主要图像格式和Microsoft Office文档或pdf.
  • 从头开始建立一个由实习生和承包商组成的敏捷软件工程团队.
Technologies: Apache, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Business, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Docker, Docker Compose, Databases, GitHub, Bootstrap, HTML, APIs, Full-stack, Responsive Web Apps, React Native, AngularJS, Electron, Windows Server, CentOS, Kurento Media Server, Adobe Media Server (AMS), Wamp, LAMP, MySQL, SQL, Leadership, WebRTC, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, Microsoft Office, PHP, JavaScript, Xcode, IntelliJ IDEA, Angular, React, NPM, Travis CI, GNU Make, Terraform, Full-stack Development, Agile Software Testing, IDEA IDE, Windows, Linux, MacOS, CSS, Redux, Express.js,前端,UI组件,REST,前端开发,REST api,脚本,工具链

Developer | Analyst

2010 - 2011
  • 为面向对象设计(OOD)规范化进行重构,并开发了Foursquare集成.
  • 开发了“Order Loyalty”礼品卡系统的后端,并为支付类添加了白色标签的附加功能.
  • 修复了系统中的几个bug,重构了自动票据交换所(ACH)批处理系统.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, PHP, SQL, HTML, APIs, Full-stack, CentOS, LAMP, MySQL, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, JavaScript, IntelliJ IDEA, NPM, Full-stack Development, Agile Software Testing, Windows, Linux, CSS, Startups, Front-end, UI Components, Front-end Development, REST APIs, Scripting

PHP Programmer

2007 - 2010
Research Foundation of CUNY | Hunter College
  • Developed a course management website on a LAMP stack utilizing the Zend 1.x framework and led the development of the first virtual classroom.
  • Created a microphone/webcam-enabled personal messaging system.
  • 面试并雇佣网页设计和软件工程的实习生和承包商.
Technologies: Apache, PHP, LAMP, Wamp, Adobe Media Server (AMS), Kurento Media Server, Databases, HTML, Windows Server, MySQL, SQL, WebRTC, Shell Commands, Terminal, ITerm, Microsoft Office, JavaScript, Xcode, IntelliJ IDEA, NPM, Full-stack Development, Windows, Linux, CSS, Front-end, UI Components, Front-end Development, Scripting, Microsoft Access

Pixie HD

Pixie HD是一个网络会议应用程序,具有交互式和共享的画布,由HTML5画布构建. The app is installed onto a user's machine as a desktop application. It was built using Electron runtime and React.


JavaScript, Python, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS, GraphQL, ECMAScript (ES6), HTML5, c++, TypeScript


React Native, Bootstrap, Redux, Next.js, Django, Angular, Flask, NestJS, Material UI, Qt, Electron, Express.js, AngularJS, GStreamer


React, WebRTC, REST APIs, Node.js, Recharts, Nexmo


Docker Compose, IDEA IDE, Terraform, GNU Make, NPM, GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, Mongoose, ITerm, Fastly, Travis CI, Xcode, Apache, NGINX, Terminal, Azure App Service, SendGrid, AWS CloudFormation, Microsoft Access


Agile Software Development, REST, DevOps


MacOS, Linux, Windows, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Azure, OpenTok, Kernel, LAMP, CentOS, Windows Server, AWS Lambda


数据库,Amazon DynamoDB, MySQL, Amazon Aurora, MongoDB, Kurento Media Server, PostgreSQL


Agile Software Testing, Full-stack Development, Web Development, Microsoft Office, Responsive Web Apps, Full-stack, APIs, Apollo, Startups, Front-end, UI Components, Front-end Development, Video Streaming, Video Livestreaming, Video Players, Streaming, Architecture, Scripting, Toolchains, Content Delivery Networks (CDN), Shell Commands, VoIP, TypeORM, Device Drivers, Linux Kernel, Data Structures, Algorithms, Data Architecture, Business, Leadership, Wamp, Adobe Media Server (AMS), Serverless, Machine Learning

2006 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry

City College of New York - New York City, USA


A2E Business Fundamentals

McKinsey & Company


Problem Solving

McKinsey & Company


Business Strategy

McKinsey & Company

Collaboration That Works

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