John McLaughlin,美国纽约州纽约的开发人员
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John McLaughlin

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Blockchain Developer

New York, NY, United States
Toptal Member Since
September 12, 2022

John拥有开发以太坊去中心化应用(dApps)的专业经验。, including an NFT factory and marketplace deployed on Mainnet and L2 chains such as Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, and zkSync. He has created two video/audio storage apps using IPFS/Filecoin and designed and deployed a Hyperledger Fabric permissioned blockchain to organize McKurz Capital's financials. John has also designed container orchestrations using Docker and Kubernetes for various web2 and web3 apps.


Polemarch LLC
Blockchain, Web 3.0, Smart Contracts, Node.js, Python, Security, IT Security...
Levi Sirmons
Currentz Corp.
Solidity, JavaScript,以太坊,智能合约,区块链,React, MetaMask...




Preferred Environment

React, Next.js, Solidity, Web3, Ethers.. js、Truffle、Hardhat、Markdown、IPFS、Docker、以太坊虚拟机(EVM)

The most amazing...

...application I've developed is an NFT factory/marketplace for the April 2022 ETHGlobal DAOHacks hackathon, which won prizes.

Work Experience

Web3 Back-end Developer

2023 - 2023
Polemarch LLC
  • Developed an Ethereum NFT marketplace for listing Bitcoin ordinal inscriptions with full function to create, mint, 并列出代表比特币序号的EVM nft, BRC-20 tokens, and name inscriptions.
  • Contributed to the smart contract Solidity smart contract behind the NFT marketplace featured createNFT, listNFT, cancelListing, addToCart, burn, and other relevant functions.
  • Worked on the contract design that utilized OpenZeppelin audited contract library to ensure safety and security.
  • Designed and developed a REST API for storing Bitcoin inscription off-chain data such as collection value, curation, 以ETH/USD为单位的上市nft实时定价, etc. API使用MongoDB进行存储.
Technologies: Blockchain, Web 3.0, Smart Contracts, Node.js, Python, Security, IT Security, APIs, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Data Queries, Databases, DevOps, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Software Architecture, DApps, Microservices Architecture, Cryptography, Computer Science, White Papers, Distributed Computing, Project Consultancy

Blockchain Developer

2023 - 2023
Levi Sirmons
  • Developed an Ethereum wallet that removed and added specific functionalities to the basic Metamask web3 wallet.
  • Added permissions to the web3 wallet where it can be used by team members who do not possess administrative rights and permissions to the firm's treasury wallet(s).
  • 创建了一个web3钱包浏览器扩展分发,可以上传到Chrome, Firefox, or Brave.
  • Assisted in designing a team workflow that allows for close supervision of trading strategies by platform administrators.
Technologies: JavaScript,区块链,MetaMask,咨询,策略,故障排除, TypeScript, Data Queries, Databases, Writing & Editing, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Software Architecture, Computer Science, Project Consultancy

Blockchain Developer

2022 - 2023
Currentz Corp.
  • 在Currentz担任首席区块链开发人员. Designed, developed, and deployed ER-C721 and ERC-1155 Solidity smart contracts for the Ethereum and EVM-compatible blockchains.
  • Created a defined process for the team to set up NFT drops with a user interface for customers to mint and claim NFTs from their creative economy platform.
  • Integrated not only Web 3.0 payments using cryptocurrencies through a Metamask wallet but also purchasing the NFTs using a credit card where customer knowledge of Web 3.0 is not necessary.
  • Deployed contracts on Layer 2 chains such as Polygon or Optimism to allow the platform and its customers to save transaction "gas fees" when using cryptocurrencies.
Technologies: Solidity, JavaScript,以太坊,智能合约,区块链,React, MetaMask, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Blockchain Platforms, Crypto, Security, IT Security, Technical Writing, Advisory, Blockchain as a Service, Strategy, Back-end Development, Web Development, Troubleshooting, TypeScript, Writing & Editing, 分散自治组织(DAO), Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Tokenomics, Software Architecture, DApps, Computer Science, Solana, Project Consultancy

Senior Blockchain Developer

2022 - 2022
John Nesgoda - Web3 Startup
  • 开发了具有代币经济学功能的以太坊Solidity智能合约.
  • 实现多签名钱包功能作为保管方法.
  • 为多签名钱包编排增加了支付流功能.
  • Designed and deployed a platform membership NFT token with an expiration date and the functionality to extend the expiration date.
Technologies: Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Solidity, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Ethereum Smart Contracts, Multisig, MetaMask, CTO, Electronic Payments, Fraud Prevention, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Payment APIs, Fintech, Branding, Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Systems, Web 3.金融科技顾问,铸造厂,Next.js, Ethers.js, GitHub, Node.js, Polygon, Crypto, Security, IT Security, JavaScript, Blockchain, Technical Writing, Advisory, Back-end Development, Web Development, Troubleshooting, TypeScript, Data Queries, Writing & Editing, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Tokenomics, Software Architecture, DApps, Computer Science, White Papers, Project Consultancy, Arbitrage

Lead Blockchain Developer

2017 - 2022
McKurz Capital Incorporated
  • 创立McKurz,作为Web3应用程序的兼职开发商店, 将我们的应用程序提交给11个ETHGlobal和两个Chainlink黑客马拉松. Several of these apps won prizes in hackathon competitions and the interest of venture capital firms.
  • Built Ethereum smart contract web apps using development tools such as Truffle and Hardhat, with React and Next.js as front ends.
  • Deployed an NFT factory/marketplace to the Polygon blockchain during the ETHGlobal DAOHacks hackathon.
  • Developed a few storage apps deployed to the Filecoin blockchain that were submitted to hackathons last year, 包括20世纪60年代至90年代迪斯科的迪斯科摇滚回购, rock, 流行音乐和Fin File Crypto的加密投资视频和文件.
技术:Solidity, Ethereum, Truffle, Hardhat, Node.. js, React, Docker,区块链,智能合约,区块链 & 加密货币,去中心化交易所(DEXs),全栈,ERC-20, HTML5, CSS5, Web3.js, OpenSea, Bitcoin, CTO, Electronic Payments, Fraud Prevention, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Govtech, Payment APIs, Fintech, Branding, Cryptocurrency, Rust, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Decentralized Systems, Mobile Advertising, Web 3.0, Fintech Consultant, Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger, Kubernetes, Foundry, Netlify, Next.js, Ethers.js, GitHub, Polygon, Python, Cloud, Crypto, Cybersecurity, Twilio, Security, IT Security, MetaMask, JavaScript, DigitalOcean, Technical Writing, Advisory, Blockchain as a Service, Strategy, Back-end Development, Web Development, APIs, Troubleshooting, TypeScript, DevOps, Data Queries, Databases, PostgreSQL, Redis, Writing & Editing, Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Tokenomics, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Leadership, DApps, Microservices Architecture, Cryptography, Computer Science, White Papers, Distributed Computing, GPU Computing, Solana, Azure, Project Consultancy, Twilio API, Arbitrage

Adjunct Lecturer

2011 - 2022
CUNY-College of Staten Island
  • Instructed on personal finance, using accounting software such as MS Excel and QuickBooks.
  • Led students on financial topics through a technology lens to better equip them for the 21st-century digital economy.
  • 讲授区块链的历史, industry trends, 以及对比特币等各种项目的投资分析, Ethereum, Solana, decentralized finance protocols, and NFTs.
Technologies: Windows, Google Drive, Excel 2010, Intuit QuickBooks, Bitcoin, Fraud Prevention, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Govtech, Fintech, Branding, Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Systems, Web 3.0、加密,网络安全,区块链,故障排除,写作 & 编辑、领导、项目咨询


2005 - 2022
  • 教授数学主题,如基本代数, 中级代数和三角学, and logic and pre-calculus.
  • Instructed entrepreneurship students about website development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • 扩展学生的知识,将JavaScript开发扩展到Node.js, React, and Next.Js,以及关于基于服务器的开发的其他主题.
  • 向学生介绍区块链的历史和用例, 以太坊智能合约理论, 以及基于加密货币的应用的潜力.
Technologies: K-12 Education, Business, Mathematical Finance, Technical Writing, Personal Finance, Excel 2013, Excel 365, Intuit QuickBooks, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Govtech, Branding, Node.js, Writing & Editing

Nature NFTs Marketplace
自然NFT市场是一个部署在Polygon主网区块链上的NFT工厂. 它允许用户从数字图像中创建自己的NFT, 把它列在市场上出售, 并积极交易所有用户的NFT列表. It was built with an Ethereum smart contract that adds the previously mentioned functionality. I have deployed the app to the Polygon and Arbitrum blockchains in an effort to lower transaction "gas" fees. 这个项目的GitHub存储库可以在这里找到

Legal Documents Marketplace
The Legal Documents form repository is a datastore and marketplace for purchasing common fillable-PDF legal documents such as a simple will, 特定州或省的公司章程, bill of sale samples, building contracts, and business plans. 目前,法律文件存储为 .jpg files. In future iterations, the documents will be fileable-PDFs so users can fill them with their unique information and use them for their purposes. The legal documents are stored on IPFS and deployed to the Goerli Ethereum Testnet as ERC-721 NFTs. 这个项目的GitHub存储库可以在这里找到 Your Metamask account must be set to the Goerli blockchain to view and interact with the app.

Decentralized Token Exchange
The McKurz cryptocurrency exchange dApp was launched on the Ethereum Kovan Test Network in August 2020. It has since been upgraded to the Goerli testnet as a result of the Ethereum Merge and the deprecation of the Kovan chain. 该交易所允许用户列出不同加密货币的买卖订单. 这款应用是一款较老的产品,它最适合用你的密码解锁Metamask, 连接成功后刷新浏览器, 以及可能的手动连接到Metamask Goerli钱包(即将更新). If you are in need of Goerli testnet tokens to test the app, please send an email to john.mclaughlin@toptal.使用您的Goerli以太坊地址,测试网令牌将发送到您的地址.

The Safe Harbour Finance app allows users to stake native SAFE tokens and acquire rewards of the platform's native SAFE token. 该应用程序的独特之处在于它被部署到zkSync测试网2.0, where costs of staking, transfer, lending, or borrowing are quite inexpensive and secure. 要使用该应用程序,您需要将“zkSync alpha测试网”添加到Metamask. 这个过程的说明可以在http://v2-docs上找到 / dev /故障诊断/重要环节.html#testnet-network-info. 该应用程序的演示是可用的.
2014 - 2016


City University of New York (CUNY) - Hunter College - New York City, New York, United States

2005 - 2009


City University of New York (CUNY)-Brooklyn College - New York City, New York, United States

1983 - 2005


St. 约翰大学-纽约市,纽约,美国






ConsenSys Academy



The Linux Foundation | via edX


Python超级课程:构建十个真实世界的应用程序.我/ uc - 5 - d483724 - 79 d7 - 481 b - ab4e c7738cfa9750 /



Modern React with Redux |









React, Node.js, Web3.js, Twilio API, OpenZeppelin, React Redux


Microsoft Excel, MetaMask, Excel 2010, Git, GitHub, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Docker Hub, MATLAB, Excel 2013


Next.js, Truffle, Hardhat, Flask, Redux


Solidity, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTML5, Python, TypeScript, Python 3, Python 2, Markdown, Rust




Docker, Linux, Ethereum, Hyperledger, Windows, Blockchain, Blockchain Platforms, DigitalOcean, Hyperledger Fabric, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Netlify, Twilio, Azure, Vercel, Kubernetes, AWS Cloud Computing Services


数据库,PostgreSQL, MySQL, Docker Cloud, Redis

Industry Expertise



Web3, Ethers.. js,分布式团队管理,指导 & Coaching, Time Management, Infura, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Ethereum Smart Contracts, Ethereum Test Network, Google Drive, Technical Writing, Smart Contracts, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs), Full-stack, ERC-20, Multisig, Blockchain Design, 分散自治组织(DAO), OpenSea, Bitcoin, CTO, Electronic Payments, Fraud Prevention, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Payment APIs, Fintech, Branding, Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Systems, Web 3.0, Fintech Consultant, Foundry, Polygon, Cloud, Crypto, Security, IT Security, Advisory, Strategy, Back-end Development, Web Development, Troubleshooting, Data Queries, Writing & Editing, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Tokenomics, Software Architecture, Technical Leadership, Leadership, DApps, Cryptography, Computer Science, White Papers, Solana, Project Consultancy, Arbitrage, IPFS, CSS5, Arbitrum, zkSync, Govtech, Mobile Advertising, Blockchain as a Service, APIs, GPU Computing, Filecoin, Intuit QuickBooks, K-12 Education, Business, Mathematical Finance, Personal Finance, Excel 365, AWS Partner Network (APN)

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