Matej Cica, Developer in 萨拉热窝,波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那联邦,波斯尼亚-黑塞哥维那
Matej is available for hire
Hire Matej

Matej Cica

Verified Expert  in Engineering


December 6, 2015

Matej is an experienced software engineer with a strong background in a variety of Microsoft technologies and open source technologies such as Ruby on Rails. He is proficient in dealing with big distributed data systems, such as banking and financial systems. Matej is a self-motivated individual who is deadline focused and thorough in his approach to work.


Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, Redis, AWS CLI...
Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sidekiq, Redis, AWS CLI, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...
Asset Panda LLC
Ruby, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Unicorn, Sidekiq, RSpec, Capistrano, New Relic...





Git, Sublime Text, Ubuntu, Linux

The most amazing...

...我编写的是一个处理引擎, generating, 解析SWIFT交易和消息.

Work Experience

首席后端(Ruby on Rails)工程师

2022 - 2023
  • 在AirbnbLove网站上直接与Airbnb和Andopen的经理合作.
  • 监督新功能的实施和进一步支持的规划和设计.
  • Performed refactoring and optimization of queries used on most common application endpoints.
  • 集成了第三方API, wrote tests, 并确保每一个新开发的特性都被测试用例所覆盖.
  • 参与其他开发人员的代码审查过程.
技术:红宝石, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sidekiq, PostgreSQL, Redis, AWS CLI, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), jQuery, REST APIs, Back-end

首席Ruby on Rails工程师

2021 - 2022
  • 在不同角色之间转换时领导后端开发, 包括web/前端开发和devops相关工作.
  • Participated in the whole process from planning to implementing and delivering all new features.
  • 为新员工准备并进行面试.
  • 为缺乏经验的开发人员提供代码审查和指导.
技术:红宝石, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Sidekiq, Redis, AWS CLI, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), 视频转码, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Stripe, Heroku, ActionCable, REST APIs, jQuery, Back-end

高级Ruby on Rails开发人员

2020 - 2021
Asset Panda LLC
  • 使用RabbitMQ实现了微服务之间的通信.
  • 使用高质量的代码标准和技术优化了最常用的特性.
  • 对系统的大多数关键端点进行查询优化.
  • 致力于其他与前端性能相关的改进.
  • 为其他开发人员提供代码审查和指导.
技术:红宝石, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Unicorn, Sidekiq, RSpec, Capistrano, New Relic, MySQL, MongoDB, RabbitMQ, Redis, jQuery, JavaScript, Git, REST APIs, Back-end

Ruby on Rails工程师

2020 - 2020
ReadyPoint, Inc
  • 致力于优化旧功能和一些遗留代码重构.
  • 实现了与医疗保健领域相关的新功能.
  • Tested newly implemented features by writing tests and making sure the code was covered with tests.
技术:红宝石 on Rails (RoR), JavaScript, RSpec, MySQL, Ruby, Redis, jQuery, Git, Back-end

技术团队领导/高级Ruby on Rails工程师

2019 - 2020
  • 使用Ruby on Rails技术栈开发后端功能. 后端是云托管的, 实时报价和管理解决方案:由多个客户端使用的API.
  • 计划和实现新特性. Contributed to business decisions like prioritization of tasks and estimates for new features. 引入git-flow分支模型,改进整体开发流程.
  • Reviewed code for other team members and made sure that code quality is of a high level by following the latest best practices and standards proposed by the Ruby/Rails community.
  • 识别系统弱点,优化系统关键部分. Refactored the system's most used endpoints and improved response time by more than 200%.
  • 做出架构决策,比如选择最好的应用程序和web服务器, scaling the API by moving I/O intensive tasks to asynchronous/background processing (Sidekiq), and more.
技术:Git, Mercurial, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Heroku, Docker, Redis, PostgreSQL, APIs, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Back-end

高级Ruby on Rails工程师

2018 - 2019
Klika d.o.o.
  • Contributed to the development of a fintech project and provided performance troubleshooting and optimizations.
  • 主要开发后端(微服务、REST API集成等).)特性,但对完整栈做出了贡献.
  • 基于Ruby on Rails实现解决方案并交付高质量的软件.
  • 应用软件标准的干净代码和经过验证的优化技术.
  • 创建、维护和调试软件.
  • Planned and defined requirements, creating software designs and translating them into code.
XML技术:, REST APIs, NGINX, Docker, Fintech, Microservices, JSON Web令牌(JWT), RabbitMQ, MySQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Back-end


2017 - 2018
  • 管理一个五人的团队, 指导和指导他们以及监督他们的日常活动.
  • 审查代码并开发前端项目.
  • 作为scrum主管领导团队.
技术:Git, MySQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, jQuery, JavaScript, REST api

高级Ruby on Rails工程师

2016 - 2017
  • 为一些小项目的开发做出了贡献.
  • 提供全栈开发.
  • 管理一个小团队并审查代码.
  • 设置项目架构.
技术:节点.js, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, REST api, jQuery, Redis,后端

高级Ruby on Rails工程师

2016 - 2016
  • 致力于后端REST API.
  • 实现了REST API的Redis缓存.
  • 使用地理空间查询(PostGIS)和地理编码.
  • Refactored some of the previously implemented features like importing events and venues from external APIs (Eventful/Foursquare).
  • 参与代码评审.
  • 实现了API版本控制和身份验证.
  • 使用Twitter Stream分析从Twitter摄取的推文.
  • 重构通知(短信、电子邮件、推送通知).
  • Fixed bugs.
技术:Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon EC2, Linux, Git, Sidekiq, PostGIS, JSON, REST, Foursquare API, Twilio API, Twitter API, Elasticsearch, Redis, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, REST APIs, Back-end

高级Ruby on Rails工程师

2016 - 2016
  • 为电子商务网站使用的新REST API开发了体系结构.
  • 致力于使用Spree电子商务框架的REST API.
  • 创建Ansible脚本,将数据从Amazon RDS实例迁移到Heroku.
  • 帮助建立和部署Heroku的新API.
  • 参与代码评审.
Technologies: JSON, REST APIs, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, jQuery, Back-end


2013 - 2016
  • Worked on several projects as a full-stack developer using a broad range of technologies and following the Agile and Scrum methodologies of software development.
  • Worked on creating a powerful survey engine that enables company-wide management of surveys.
  • Worked on a promotions management web app used for creating and scheduling effective promotion campaigns, contests, 以及特定组织的事件.
  • Worked on a hybrid mobile app (PhoneGap + Ionic framework + AngularJS) used for time tracking employees or members of a given organization.
  • 在一个网络应用程序上工作,为猎人提供有关计划狩猎季节的信息. The app provides services for scheduling and reservation of hunting stands and marking the stands using Google Maps.
  • 在一个为猎人服务的社交网站工作. 该应用程序提供了几个高级功能,如朋友建议引擎, notifications, messaging, content sharing, 以及与Facebook等其他流行社交网络的整合, Google+, and Twitter.
技术:节点.js, jQuery, JavaScript, Facebook API, Bootstrap, HTML5, SQL, LINQ, Web API, Redis, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, REST APIs, Back-end


2011 - 2013
Raiffeisen Bank
  • Worked on core banking services and financial systems that supported more than a million financial transactions per day.
  • 处理大型、复杂和分布式数据库.
  • 暴露在软件开发周期的所有层次和阶段的复杂性中.
  • 从事各种优化过程(SQL查询), 报告服务, WCF服务优化, 和配置).
  • 为大量客户提供实时支持.
  • Created a powerful engine that deals with processing and generation of SWIFT transactions.
  • Worked on business and transaction rule engines that represent an important part of the core of banking system.
  • 致力于创建电子银行和手机银行服务.
技术:报告、REST api、后端

Junior .NET Developer

2011 - 2011
  • 主要在后端工作.
  • 负责IVR脚本的编写和管理.
  • 解析各种XML消息.
  • 参与与BH Telecom的业务整合.
  • 开发短信处理.
技术:Subversion (SVN)、SQL、LINQ、Web Services、后端

Takko App

Takko是一个面向内容创作者的社交平台. 它使创作者能够将他们的内容货币化. 这是一个内容创作者可以见面并分享想法和资源的地方, collaborate, 互相帮助. 该系统由Ruby on Rails编写的REST API和一个iOS应用程序组成.


个性化提供了 is Flooid’s cloud-hosted, real-time offer and voucher management solution. 提供个性化优惠的零售商可以:
- Create, 管理和验证自己的凭证, 以及第三方在所有渠道实时创建的代金券
- Consolidate a customer’s vouchers and third party coupons in a cloud-based offer wallet
- Link vouchers and coupons to a sales-channel owned basket benefit and deliver true omnichannel offers
-利用解决方案作为“忠诚生活”, 管理程序并自动奖励客户行为
-管理员工折扣和初始“好友” & “家庭”优惠或折扣
使用的技术:Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis, Sidekiq, Git, Mercurial, REST API集成, Javascript, Angular, HTML5, CSS3, Heroku, 谷歌云平台, Azure, Docker, Nginx

Natixis is a French corporate and investment bank created in November 2006 from the merger of the asset management and investment banking operations of Natexis Banque Populaire and IXIS, 法国第二大银行. I was hired as a senior Ruby on Rails developer to help build a back end which is based on microservice architecture. 后端使用Fidor的核心银行系统, 是一家德国数字银行,也是世界顶级金融科技公司之一, 为付款提供支持, money transfers, 以及其他与银行相关的事情. 后端由移动设备通过一个名为Banxy的应用程序消费. 这款手机应用有安卓和iOS版本. Natixis的后端依赖于一些第三方服务,包括Siron、IDnow和CBS.

使用的技术:Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rspec, MySQL, Linux, Docker, Jenkins, REST API, RabbitMQ, Microservice架构, Git, jQuery

比较灵活是一个创业、敏捷性评估和持续改进平台. With 比较灵活 you gain the insights and identify concrete areas of improvement inside your company, 在哪里你可以做出有意义的改变.
使用的技术:Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rspec, PostgreSQL, Git, Vue.js, REST API, Heroku


­Pulsr is a social discovery application meant to answer the age ­old question "What should we do tonight?"

通过利用大型事件数据库和当地企业, 并为周围的社会对话创造新的渠道, Pulsr is an invaluable tool in leading a vibrant social life; thereby empowering people to get up and get out.


偷渡者化妆品是一个专门销售化妆品的电子商务网站. 我受雇构建一个新的REST API,为同构应用程序(Node . js)提供端点.js和React with Redux),使用Spree电子商务框架. Besides that, I wrote migration scripts in Ansible, to migrate the database from AWS RDS to Heroku.

使用的技术:Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Spree框架,PostgreSQL, Node.js, React.js、Redux、AWS、Heroku和Ansible.

Save Stand
Save Stand is a web app that provides information to hunters about planning hunting season and hunting days. The application provides services for scheduling and reservation of hunting stands so hunters can easily ensure their spot and plan their hunting seasons in the future.

使用的技术:Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, jQuery, Facebook API, Google API, Google Maps, Stripe, Amazon AWS

Trophy Stack

Trophy Stack是美国业余猎人的领先网络应用程序之一. 这是一个猎人的社交网站.
使用的技术:Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis, jQuery, Facebook API, Google API, Twitter API, Amazon AWS


促销活动管理 is a web app used for creating and scheduling effective promotion campaigns, contests, 以及特定组织的事件.
使用的技术:Node.js, Backbone.js, MongoDB


直接的见解是一个强大的调查引擎,支持调查管理. It can be used as a stand-alone service to deploy surveys on your website(s) and client sites.
使用的技术:c#, WCF Services, ASP.. NET MVC,实体框架,LINQ, ASP.. NET SignalR, SQL Server, MongoDB, jQuery.

Atlas is a PhoneGap app used for time tracking employees or members of a given organization.
使用的技术:c#, WCF Services, Web API, Windows Azure, Entity Framework, LINQ, SQL Server, AngularJS, PhoneGap, jQuery mobile
2005 - 2011




REST api, jQuery, Sidekiq,延迟作业,Node.js, Backbone.Web API, Facebook API, Twitter API, Twilio API, Foursquare API, LINQ, Stripe


Bitbucket, Sublime Text, Git, RSpec, GitLab, GitHub, NGINX, RabbitMQ, Mercurial, Subversion (SVN), Capistrano, AWS CLI


AngularJS, Ruby on Rails (RoR), minitest, Sails.. js, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap, JSON Web令牌(JWT), ActionCable


SQL, HTML5, Ruby, JavaScript, XML, Unicorn


敏捷软件开发, Scrum, 面向对象编程(OOP), Microservices架构, Microservices, REST, Unit Testing


Heroku, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Linux, Amazon EC2, Ubuntu, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Azure, Docker, New Relic


PostgreSQL, JSON, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Amazon S3, PostGIS


Back-end, Fintech, RESTful Microservices, APIs, Reporting, Web Services, 视频转码



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