Oliver Holloway,英国伦敦的开发商
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Oliver Holloway

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Python Developer

London, United Kingdom
Toptal Member Since
May 10, 2016

奥利弗是一位多才多艺的数据科学家和软件工程师,拥有十多年的经验和牛津大学的研究生数学学位. 从为初创公司构建机器学习解决方案,到领导项目团队,再到在高盛(Goldman Sachs)处理大量数据,我的职业任务都有. With this background, he is adept at picking up new skills quickly to deliver robust solutions to the most demanding of businesses.


Deep Learning, Kubernetes, Docker, ETL, Flask, SQL, 谷歌云平台(GCP)...
Python, TensorFlow, Asyncio, MLflow,图像处理,Scikit-learn...




Preferred Environment

Git, PyCharm, jupiter, Windows, Linux

The most amazing...

...application I've worked on allowed traders to visualize historical financial data, perform technical analysis and determine the relative value of securities.

Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
  • 在一个项目中领导Toptal工程师团队,创建一个平台的MVP,用于配置和测试构建股票投资组合的模型.
  • 研究投资组合构建模型的体系结构, 包括那些使用神经网络近似的.
  • Created a highly configurable system for training and backtesting models based on point-in-time financial data. Furthermore, automated the configurability itself by setting up hyperparameter optimization using Ray Tune.
  • 监督摄取/ETL框架的构建,该框架能够从第三方数据供应商(基于地区/行业/市值)发现潜在股票,并从中提取历史市场和基础数据到中央数据库.
  • Ensured rich reporting of model performance via user-defined metrics and information around portfolio constituents. This was directly consumable via an API, including a Dash/Plotly dashboard with interactive graphics.
  • 审核并维护Angular web应用的代码,管理员可以通过这些代码测试模型和查看表格报表.
  • 设计ORM使用的数据库模型(SQLAlchemy), which also underpinned the RESTful API that was robustly marshalled using Marshmallow.
  • 建立基于Google云平台的基础设施, including a Docker-based CI/CD pipeline for both the UI and back-end service, Kubernetes引擎,用于并行运行长时间的工作进程, worker queues (Pub/Sub), and scheduled tasks.
技术:深度学习, Kubernetes, Docker, ETL, Flask, SQL, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Python, Neural Networks, Data Science, Machine Learning, Flask-RESTful, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy, Marshmallow, Angular, Keras, TensorFlow, Pandas, Alembic, Dash, Plotly, 人工智能(AI), APIs, Architecture, Full-stack, Technical Leadership, Software Architecture, Databases, Finance, Solution Architecture, AI Programming, Data Visualization, Data Modeling, Forecasting, 机器学习操作(MLOps), Google Cloud

AI/ML Engineer

2023 - 2023
  • Consulted on directions that a potential MVP could take for a diagnostic system in the mental health space.
  • 研究和评估使用“拥抱脸”的可转移语音和文本模型,这些模型可以微调并用于诊断.
  • Demonstrated PoCs using IBM Watson and OpenAI's ChatGPT API (via LangChain) as a basis of a chatbot-based solution.
Technologies: 人工智能,机器学习,语音识别, Voice Analysis, Early-stage Startups, OpenAI GPT-3 API, 自然语言处理(NLP), Chatbots, IBM Watson, AI Programming, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Hugging Face, Language Models, LangChain

Computer Vision Engineer

2021 - 2021
  • 设计并实现了一个通过API接收图像并在目录中查找最接近的匹配产品的系统.
  • 分离了MobileNet神经网络架构的编码器,将图像转换为压缩向量,然后使用高效的相似性搜索索引进行查询.
  • Used MLflow to manage model storage, experiment tracking, and serve the model through an API.
  • Derived an autoencoder so that the encoder model could be fine-tuned with any available training data.
  • Leveraged TensorFlow datasets to move image data through the pipeline without overwhelming memory.
  • Created a Python package for consuming RabbitMQ messages to create and wait on multiple subprocesses, 所有这些都以异步方式使用asyncio.
Technologies: Python, TensorFlow, Asyncio, MLflow,图像处理,Scikit-learn, 人工智能(AI), APIs, Computer Vision, Software Architecture, Architecture, AI Programming, 机器学习操作(MLOps), Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks


2019 - 2019
US-based Tech Startup
  • Created speech recognition models using custom neural networks with Keras, 以及百度通过TensorFlow开发的DeepSpeech架构.
  • 处理音频文件输入类型(PCM/WAV)的预处理, 包括mfc /谱图的转换和操作.
  • 封装的数据上传过程, model training, persistence, 和RESTful api中的推理, 具有复杂版本控制和实时更新培训的功能.
  • 部署和配置api,利用gpu进行更快的训练/推理,并使用芹菜分布式任务队列进行并行训练.
技术:深度学习, Audio Processing, Data Science, Neural Networks, Machine Learning, MongoDB, Flask, Celery, Keras, Python, 人工智能(AI), APIs, 卷积神经网络(CNN), AI Programming, NVIDIA CUDA, Deep Neural Networks

Freelance Data Scientist

2019 - 2019
Kalepa Corporation
  • Trained and evaluated various models for classifying text data using GloVe word representations, bag-of-words model, and XGBoost, 以及其他ML/NLP技术.
  • Created and managed Amazon Mechanical Turk tasks for deriving labels for training classification, 包括检测始终不准确的工人.
  • Productionized the inference process into the pip installable Python package.
技术:自然语言处理(NLP), GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Machine Learning, Data Science, SpaCy, MongoDB, Scikit-learn, XGBoost, Gensim, Pandas, Python, 人工智能(AI), APIs, Social Media, GloVe, Data Modeling


2019 - 2019
Lawli Ltd
  • 领导英国政府资助的法律人工智能应用程序的技术方向,帮助交付产品的初始版本.
  • Implemented initial NLP solutions in Python for providing document services at the heart of the app.
  • 使用Node创建了Angular 7 web应用的第一个版本.js and MongoDB.
  • Conducted interviews to find people for the company's first development team to continue my work.
Technologies: GPT, 自然语言处理(NLP), 生成预训练变压器(GPT), WordPress, RabbitMQ, Gensim, Python, Node.js, Angular, 人工智能(AI), Full-stack, Software Architecture, Architecture, Machine Learning

Freelance NLP Expert

2018 - 2018
  • 使用经过训练的ML分类器和各种提取技术(包括涉及单词搭配统计分析的技术)改进并开发了一个从文本中提取关键短语的系统。.
  • 创新了一个库,将依赖解析器(包括spaCy或Stanford parser)应用于文本,然后根据从训练文本自动推断的语法规则提取短语(使用图论和NetworkX).
  • 实施有助于研究的框架, 包括为提取的短语和对象使用缓存,以持久化具有元数据的模型,从而使消费者了解该模型是如何形成的.
  • Created a Flask API for the output of results and the user's ability to specify the different methodologies.
  • Enhanced an in-house evaluator of extractor performance accompanied by the integration of traditional evaluators (Bleu/Rouge); also, 设置分类器性能的交叉验证测试.
  • 为一家公司的研究提供统计/置信度测试的验证和建议,该公司的论文在KDD 2018上获得了奖项.
Technologies: SQL, Graph Theory, 自然语言处理(NLP), 生成预训练变压器(GPT), GPT, Data Science, Machine Learning, NumPy, Pandas, MySQL, Flask, Scikit-learn, SpaCy, 自然语言工具包(NLTK), Python, 人工智能(AI), APIs, Data Modeling


2017 - 2018
  • 使用机器学习回归器和自然语言处理技术,使用Python堆栈研究和测试预测模型.
  • 从各种来源获得的特征, 包括使用词袋模型(使用NLTK)和神经网络(使用TensorFlow)形成单词/文档的向量表示。.
  • Developed a configurable model backtesting (and backfilling) system using various Pandas functionality extensively.
  • Improved the reliability of a Selenium-based framework for scraping websites to source data for model training, 包括改进的日志记录和夜间性能报告.
  • Created a framework for mining and structuring data from particular sections of PDF files.
  • Enhanced and bug-fixed a React/Redux web app used for showing predictions.
技术:深度学习, Bokeh, Sentiment Analysis, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Data Science, 自然语言工具包(NLTK), React, Jupyter Notebook, MongoDB, Pandas, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Python, 人工智能(AI), GPT, 自然语言处理(NLP), 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Finance, Hedge Funds, Scraping, PDF Scraping, Web Scraping, Selenium, Data Modeling, Forecasting


2016 - 2017
  • 使用Python库实现了一个用于产品推荐系统的协同过滤学习算法.
  • Enabled a learning algorithm to be influenced by administrator suggestions when deciding feature weighings.
  • 更新主web应用程序的各个方面,必要时,在两个节点上.js后端和AngularJS前端.
  • Queried (using MongoDB) and derived data for use in user/trend analysis and to populate reports/graphs.
  • 使用AMQP和Heroku设置web/worker多个服务器基础设施.
技术:Heroku, RabbitMQ, AMQP,机器学习,AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, Python, 人工智能(AI), Full-stack, Web Development


2016 - 2016
  • Created a geolocation web app's proof of concept using primarily AngularJS.
  • 以异步方式广泛使用Google Maps JavaScript API, to create a map canvas, plot markers, 以及根据地址进行地理编码.
  • 使用Node中的pg-promise库开发了一个复杂的用户注册和预订系统,并将其持久化到PostgreSQL数据库中.js.
  • Styled an app using Bootstrap so that it is responsive and can be used on a variety of devices.
  • 使用Express实现了一个RESTful API.js and Node.js.
技术:Sass, CSS, HTML5, HTML, Gulp, PostgreSQL, Express.js, Bootstrap, Node.js, AngularJS,全栈,数据库,Web开发,谷歌地图

Associate Developer

2013 - 2016
Goldman Sachs
  • 与一家全球市场风险业务合作,设计并维护一个生成银行风险指标的平台.
  • 使用该公司类似python的专有语言来构建和测试一个框架,以整理大数据集,并为监管机构自动创建压力测试报告.
  • 带领开发团队制作了AngularJS web应用和RESTful API,允许用户调整风险度量和审计这些更改.
  • Conducted interviews of lateral hires and of interns/analysts for tech division.
  • Assisted in integrating a platform into a new distributed computing framework, 包括偶尔检查一下平台的核心c++代码.
  • 共同创建了一个基于java的报表配置版本系统,该系统可以通过AngularJS web应用程序进行控制.
  • 研究机器学习方法在部门的应用.
技术:SQL, Sybase, D3.. js, Gulp, jQuery, DataTables, Sass, Java, Python, c++, Node.js, JavaScript, AngularJS, APIs, Full-stack, Databases, Finance, Web Development

Analytics Developer

2010 - 2013
RBS Markets & International Banking
  • 开发和维护 .NET web-based application for analyzing and visualizing time series data for a range of financial products.
  • 执行广泛的回归测试和其他分析,作为工具所依赖的定价库的定期升级的一部分.
  • Implemented Agile methodologies in delivering several C# coding assignments to add new analytics.
  • Trained the support and development teams around the globe including a trip to Singapore to facilitate this.
  • 创建了一个VBA工具,用于记录发送到支持收件箱的电子邮件, 然后检测它们是否有反应. 然后在一份管理报告中总结了这一点.
Technologies: .. NET, SQL, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Oracle, ASP.. NET, Microsoft SQL Server, c#,数据库,财务,数据可视化


2010 - 2010
  • 自动构建从各种来源编译的电子表格,并跟踪慕尼黑授权团队的交易进度.
  • 使用VBA创建一个工具来识别两个客户价格表之间的差异(考虑到条目可能同时存在于两个客户价格表中), 但在不同的行位置).
  • Presented these tools at team calls and wrote up documentation for them in English and German.
  • Added new statistics for the account planning sheet including the data mining of past discounts given to customers.
  • Assisted the licensing sales specialists with price and product migration queries.
技术:Microsoft Excel, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)


I worked as the president of the official young alum community of Oxford University in the London region. 我的职责包括制定和实施社交媒体策略和网站维护,并领导一个委员会.

在我任职委员会期间, 我分析了来自Eventbrite和Mailchimp的数据,建立了参会者的情况,并用它来指导我们的活动策略. 我还维护和推广他们的网站和社交媒体资料. 结果出勤率越来越高.

Chord Extractor

开源Python库,用于从多种格式的声音文件中提取和弦序列,并可选择利用多处理从许多文件中快速获取数据. Primarily intended for those analyzing musical pieces and their harmonic progressions.


研究并推荐初创公司生成和调整文本的方法,使其不易被人工智能生成, e.g., by ChatGPT.

其中包括短期内可以实现的NLP技术, 比如检查词性, dependency parsing, and manipulating grammar.
2008 - 2009

Master of Science Degree in Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer Science


2003 - 2007

Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics with a Study in Continental Europe



Deep Learning



Machine Learning






Pandas, SpaCy, 自然语言工具包(NLTK), Google Chart API, TensorFlow, RxJS, Scikit-learn, React, D3.js, REST api, Google Maps, Node . js.js, jQuery, NumPy, SQLAlchemy, Flask-RESTful, Matplotlib, Keras, XGBoost, OpenCV, AMQP, Asyncio, PyTorch


Gulp, AngularFire, PyCharm, Git, Mongoose, NPM, Sublime Text, Jira, Microsoft Visual Studio, TortoiseSVN, Amazon SageMaker, Jupyter, Microsoft Excel, RabbitMQ, Celery, DataTables, Browserify, IntelliJ IDEA, CVS, MATLAB, Karma, Gensim, Plotly, IBM Watson, Mailchimp


Angular, Alembic, .. NET、Flask、AngularJS、Angular Material、Bootstrap、Express.js, Jasmine, Django, ASP.NET, NUnit, Selenium


Data Science, 面向对象编程(OOP), DevOps, ETL, RESTful Development, Asynchronous Programming, 敏捷软件开发, 测试驱动开发(TDD), 搜索引擎优化(SEO)


HTML, Python, HTML5, TypeScript, CSS, SQL, C++, JavaScript, C#, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), Sass, Python 3, R, CoffeeScript, JADE, Java


Google Cloud, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Databases, MySQL, Sybase


谷歌云平台(GCP), Docker, Kubernetes, Jupyter Notebook, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Firebase, Windows, Linux, Oracle, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Twilio, WordPress, NVIDIA CUDA

Industry Expertise

Social Media


Software Development, Marshmallow, APIs, Deep Learning, 人工智能(AI), 自然语言处理(NLP), Machine Learning, Mathematics, Data Analysis, Data Engineering, Freelancing, Data Modeling, Full-stack, GPT, 生成预训练变压器(GPT), Sentiment Analysis, Queue Management, Cryptography, Angular Bootstrap, Data Visualization, Statistics, Data, PDF, Computer Vision, Architecture, Technical Leadership, Software Architecture, Finance, Hedge Funds, Forecasting, 机器学习操作(MLOps), Hugging Face, Deep Neural Networks, Language Models, Neural Networks, Audio Processing, Graph Theory, Bokeh, Google Material Design, Librosa, Multiprocessing, MLflow, Image Processing, Dash, Leadership, Algorithms, Algebra, Number Theory, 椭圆曲线密码, Quantum Computing, Calculus, Complexity Theory, Speech Recognition, Voice Analysis, Early-stage Startups, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Chatbots, 卷积神经网络(CNN), GloVe, Solution Architecture, AI Programming, Web Development, Eventbrite, Scraping, PDF Scraping, Web Scraping, LangChain

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