Richard Venâncio, Developer in São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil
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Richard Venâncio

Verified Expert  in Engineering

WordPress Developer

São Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
January 26, 2022

Richard是一名软件开发人员,对从零开始构建有着深刻的理解, maintaining WordPress themes and plugins, and modern web development fundamentals with PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and jQuery. 他擅长编写简洁、结构良好、易读和可共享的代码. Richard learns fast, communicates well, and is passionate about finding simple solutions to complex problems.


PackSystem Self-employed
AngularJS, PHP, PHP 7, Web, Web开发,MySQL, SQL, SQL Server 2005...
CoStar Group - Main
WordPress, PHP, CSS, HTML,网页SEO,优化,古腾堡编辑器,CSS3...
Self-employed - LearnTech
WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL,响应式UI,移动Web...




Preferred Environment

PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, React, Ionic, WordPress, WooCommerce, MySQL, SQL, Git

The most amazing...

...我开发的是一个WooCommerce网站,有一个导入工具来管理许多产品, where I imported 3.000 products in less than two minutes.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2011 - PRESENT
PackSystem Self-employed
  • Managed and created all kinds of jobs with PHP and WordPress.
  • 管理了两年的小团队,包括两名设计师和一名开发者.
  • Created many types of administrative systems for finance controlling, issuing invoices, issuing billets, proms, human resources, a process for buying cars, scholarships, schedules, accountants, and others.
  • 使用WordPress构建网站,主要是创建自定义主题和特定的仪表板功能. 使用Visual Composer, element, WooCommerce和其他臭名昭著的插件. Followed the layout details 99% of the time, focused on user experience.
Technologies: AngularJS, PHP, PHP 7, Web, Web开发,MySQL, SQL, SQL Server 2005, JavaScript, SAP, CSS, CSS3, HTML, Google SEO, On-page SEO, PHP Performance, SQL Performance, Bootstrap, Ionic, Ionic 4, React, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Content Management Systems (CMS), Responsive Web Design (RWD)

WordPress Developer

2023 - 2023
CoStar Group - Main
  • 仅使用Gutenberg (WordPress编辑器)重新创建网站,取代WPBackery和elements.
  • 跟踪和改进CSS和HTML上的点,以使用更少的HTML节点和更少的CSS代码.
  • Improved PageSpeed points from 24 – 30 to 68 – 75. Without GTM, we achieved a score of 90.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, CSS, HTML,网页SEO,优化,古腾堡编辑器,CSS3, PHP 8, Content Management Systems (CMS), Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Senior Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2021
Self-employed - LearnTech
  • 开发了一个在线测试工具,包括论文和多项选择题, recording candidates through a camera. Applied more than 310,000 tests.
  • Built a portal with WordPress and WooCommerce to offer scholarships. 最令人惊奇的部分是从客户端进口报价和产品的工具, allowing them to import more than 2,000 products in a couple of minutes.
  • 通过创建包含正确列的适当索引,将数据库性能提高了70%以上.
Technologies: WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL,响应式UI,移动Web, Content Management Systems (CMS), Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Web Developer Analyst

2009 - 2011
  • Created a small mobile for Peugeot, 配有二维码阅读器,可以在汽车沙龙上为顾客提供更多关于汽车的信息.
  • 为Tam创建了一个名为TamKids的门户网站,直接为孩子们提供有关航空的内容.
  • Built the company site with WordPress and the new browser.
  • 为Labor Print创建了一个工具,使他们的客户能够通过设置每天的句子和每月的图像来定制日历. The calendars were later printed and delivered to the customer.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, WordPress, Joomla, Content Management Systems (CMS), Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Web Analyst

2007 - 2008
PCI Integrated Management Services
  • 开发了一个系统网站,供卖家查询销售情况和寻求支持.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs in the legacy system in Visual Basic 6 (VB6).
  • Developed a new website for the company with Joomla.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, CSS, HTML, Visual Basic, Joomla, Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Computer Technician

2005 - 2007
University of Sao Paulo
  • Created a system to manage the creation of badges for new employees.
  • Developed a system to create a parking ticket, using PDF to print it.
  • 构建了一个函数,使用模式CNAB 400将工资扔到银行系统上.
  • Created a system to evaluate the professors' research each year. 该系统可以选择创建不同权重的新问题.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Sloop App for Kids Daycare
An Ionic-based app for kids' daycares.

As the full-stack developer, 我用Ionic和AngularJS创建了第一个版本的前端,然后用React将其发展为Ionic. 后端使用PHP和MySQL开发,使用Bootstrap作为CSS框架,使用jQuery. 我使用Firebase创建了一个快速更新内容的工具和实时聊天模块. OneSignal was the chosen option for the notifications.

WordPress Website with Custom Quotes
I created this site while respecting all the layout needs, making it easy for the customer to change and create content. 我还开发了一个工具来生成报价,其中每个产品都有多种变化.g., if a customer requests a table, we can give it to them. 在表格中,客户可以设置所需的数量,创建报价,并通过电子邮件发送. Basically, 对于客户来说,这是一种无需任何技术知识就可以用古腾堡制作表格的简单方法.

Scholarship Portal

WordPress was used with WooCommerce for the front end. The biggest problem was the process of importing these offers, as they change almost every month, so I created a tool to import CSV files with the offers. The tricky part was doing these import processes, which were done with a deep knowledge of MySQL structure. 现在,可以在几分钟内导入超过2000行的CSV文件.

The tool has a dashboard with charts. 客户控制完成考试的数量和其他屏幕,如现场检查论文, add questions and essay themes, add professor to check essays, create as many exams as needed, reports, and CSV export.

Quote WordPress Plugin
I created a quote plugin with steps to track where the user goes. The plugin makes some math calculations according to the user's answers. The user receives a PDF with the answers and results, and the customer gets an email with the new register. 还有一个WordPress管理页面,客户可以在其中生成所有应用程序的报告,并知道用户退出的步骤.

Website Blog for Travelers

I created a WordPress website with a complex hierarchy of content. 我们的主要目标是拥有一个出色的网页搜索引擎优化,在移动设备上比预览网站更有效. 该主题是自2019年以来使用最好的技术从头开始创建的. Without Google Analytics and ads manager codes, we achieved 95 points (mobile) on Google PageSpeed at the time.

WordPress Website with WooCommerce Quotes
I created a WordPress website with WooCommerce. 客户需要做报价,而不是直接从网站上销售产品. 我使用WooCommerce让客户可以轻松地在购买按钮上添加和定制产品, where a modal box with a form pops up to elicit more information. The information is then sent via email.

Internal System

I created a system to help me manage my work. It had several features.

• Manage clients, passwords, and bills.
• Issue invoices and billets.
• Integrate gateways.
• Create finance charts.
• Make cron functions.
• Build user groups with different sets of access.

New Website for [TH]XM
我开发了一个新的WordPress网站[教学和谐]扩展思想[TH]XM, using as few plugins as possible and making it mobile-first. I used Gutenberg and the new theme.json options to manage the visual identity colors and default blocks.

I finished a big WordPress project that had already been started. 这是一个巨大的网站,有大量的内容组被分成不同的类别, custom post types, and custom taxonomies. I implemented two ways of payment, WooCommerce支付购买礼品卡,Stripe或Paypal支付订阅内容. 所有用户信息都与Benchmark平台集成,以管理事务性电子邮件和时事通讯.

Classic Floor Designs
I created a small website using WordPress. It was a quick job, with a few pages and straightforward customization. 通过使用WordPress Gutenberg界面,我让这一切变得非常简单和易于管理.

New Website for HumanitiesDC
I created a medium-sized website following the PSD proposed. 我专注于创造一个移动优先的体验,并使用了新的WordPress Gutenberg技术,如主题.json. I standardized the colors, fonts, and spaces, 保持简单,让顾客遵循设计师创造的创意路线.
2007 - 2009

Specialization in Consulting and Technology Web

Impacta Faculty of Technology - São Paulo, Brazil

2003 - 2006

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Paulista University - São Paulo, Brazil

2002 - 2003

Technician in Information Technology

SENAC - São Paulo, Brazil


jQuery, React, Stripe


Git, OneSignal, Adobe Fireworks, Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC, Google Analytics, Gutenberg Editor, Figma


Bootstrap, Ionic 4, Ionic, ASP.NET, AngularJS




PHP, JavaScript, SQL, CSS, HTML, Java, Visual Basic, Delphi, Active Server Pages (ASP), PHP 7, CSS3


WordPress, Web, WooCommerce, Firebase, Joomla


MySQL, SQL Server 2005, SQL Performance


Web Development, Development, Performance, WordPress Themes, WordPress Plugins, Programming, Mobile Web, Responsive UI, Content Management Systems (CMS), Google SEO, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Marketing Mix, SAP, PHP Performance, SVG, PSD to WordPress, Subscription Processing, PayPal, Newsletters, Optimization, PHP 8

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